Multiple Employee Weekly Timesheet Template Excel

Here is a multi-employee weekly timesheet template in Excel:

[A Excel spreadsheet is attached with the following details]

Weekly Timesheet
Week Ending: 1/15/2020

Employee Name Department Position
John Doe Marketing Manager
Jane Doe Sales Sales Rep
Steve Smith Engineering Software Engineer

Day Date Task Start Time End Time Break Hours Total
Worked Hours
Monday 1/12 Planning 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 1.00 4.00 21.50
Mondey 1/13 Client Call 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 1.00 4.00
Tuesday 1/14 Sales Call 8:30 AM 12:30 PM 0.50 4.00 22.00

Tuesday 1/12 Coding 9:00 AM 3:00 PM 21.25
Wednesday1/13 Design 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 3.00 20.25
Thursday 1/14 1-1 Meetings 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 1.00 4.00 17.00
Staff Meeting

Friday 1/15 Follow up 8:30 AM 12:30 PM 0.50 4.00 17.50
Friady 1/15 Testing 10:00 AM 3:00 PM 2.00 5.00

Total Hours Worked 82.25

Notes: Please add expense receipts for the Staff lunch/dinner. Leave requests for next week?

Employee Signature Date Manager Signature Date
John Doe 1/17/2020 James Smith 1/17/2020
Jane Doe 1/17/2020 James Smith 1/17/2020
Steve Smith 1/17/2020 James Smith 1/17/2020

Some tips for using this template:

  • Enter employee names, departments and job titles on top. You can add or remove columns as needed.
  • For each day, enter the date, task or project, start and end times, any breaks, hours worked for that task and a total hours column that adds up hours as you go.
  • Use additional rows for more tasks and group them together by day.
  • Add columns for billable hours, overtime hours, vacation hours, etc. depending on your needs.
  • Employees and the manager should review, approve and sign the timesheet before processing payroll.
  • This template can be modified to match the specific needs and policies of your organization.

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