Free Printable Business Credit Application Form

Here’s a basic business credit application form that you can use:

[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]
[Company Phone Number]
[Company Email]

Business Credit Application Form

[Business Name]
[Business Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]
[Business Phone Number]
[Business Email]


Business Information:

  • Business Structure: [Sole Proprietorship/Partnership/Corporation/Limited Liability Company]
  • Federal Tax ID Number: [Enter Tax ID Number]
  • Date Established: [Enter Date Established]
  • Legal Name: [Enter Legal Name]
  • Business License Number: [Enter License Number]
  • State of Incorporation: [Enter State of Incorporation]
  • Type of Business: [Enter Type of Business]

Bank References:

  • Bank Name: [Enter Bank Name]
  • Account Number: [Enter Account Number]
  • Contact Person: [Enter Contact Person]
  • Phone Number: [Enter Phone Number]
  • Fax Number: [Enter Fax Number]

Trade References:

  • Trade Reference 1:
  • Name: [Enter Name]
  • Address: [Enter Address]
  • Phone Number: [Enter Phone Number]
  • Fax Number: [Enter Fax Number]
  • Trade Reference 2:
  • Name: [Enter Name]
  • Address: [Enter Address]
  • Phone Number: [Enter Phone Number]
  • Fax Number: [Enter Fax Number]
  • Trade Reference 3:
  • Name: [Enter Name]
  • Address: [Enter Address]
  • Phone Number: [Enter Phone Number]
  • Fax Number: [Enter Fax Number]

Credit Requested:

  • Credit Limit Requested: [Enter Credit Limit Requested]
  • Payment Terms Requested: [Enter Payment Terms Requested]


I certify that the above information is correct and accurate. By signing below, I authorize [Company Name] to check my credit and financial references and to use this information in determining whether to extend credit to my business.

[Business Owner Signature]

Accepted By:

[Company Representative Name]
[Company Representative Signature]

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