Free Printable Check Register Template Excel

Here’s a basic check register template in Excel format that you can use:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel and create a new workbook.
  2. In cell A1, type “Date.”
  3. In cell B1, type “Check Number.”
  4. In cell C1, type “Payee.”
  5. In cell D1, type “Memo.”
  6. In cell E1, type “Withdrawals.”
  7. In cell F1, type “Deposits.”
  8. Starting from cell A2, enter the date of each transaction in column A.
  9. Enter the check number (if applicable) in column B.
  10. Enter the name of the payee in column C.
  11. Enter any memo or note for the transaction in column D.
  12. If the transaction is a withdrawal, enter the amount in column E. If the transaction is a deposit, enter the amount in column F.
  13. In cell E2, enter the formula “=SUM(E:E)” to calculate the total withdrawals.
  14. In cell F2, enter the formula “=SUM(F:F)” to calculate the total deposits.
  15. In cell G2, enter the formula “=F2-E2” to calculate the account balance.
  16. Format the cells as desired and save the file.

I certify that the above information is correct and accurate. By saving this file, I authorize [Your Name] to use this check register for financial tracking purposes.

[Your Signature]

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