Free Printable Informal Meeting Minutes Template

Here is a free printable informal meeting minutes template:

Meeting Name:

Agenda Items Discussed:

  • [Agenda Item]
  • [Summary of discussion]
  • [Any decisions made or action items assigned]
  • [Agenda Item]
  • [Summary of discussion]
  • [Any decisions made or action items assigned]
  • [Agenda Item]
    • [Summary of discussion]
    • [Any decisions made or action items assigned]

Action Items:

  • [Action item] – [Assigned to] – [Due date]
  • [Action item] – [Assigned to] – [Due date]
  • [Action item] – [Assigned to] – [Due date]

Follow up:

  • [Any items requiring follow up discussion at next meeting]
  • [Next steps or items to cover at next meeting]

Printing tips:

  • Date the top of the form
  • List attendees by name or role
  • Number the agenda items discussed
  • Note action items assigned with due dates
  • Provide follow up items for next meeting
  • Print on standard 8.5″ x 11″ paper


  • Use this template for informal meetings where a full formal record isn’t required
  • Customize with your own headings and details
  • Update and reuse the template for future similar meetings
  • Distribute copies to all attendees for reference

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